Dear Mr. President
I just sent a letter to the president of The United States of America, telling him what I think of our country, mostly the laws against marijuana.
Do I think he will read it? nope, not a chance. BUT, is someone going to read it? yes. Is there a chance that person might show it to someone else in the white house? yes. Who knows who might end up reading it this letter of mine.
Why am I doing this? Because I want things to happen. Im just one person. There is absolutely NOTHING I can do to actually make things change.
but you know what I can do? This. So I did. and you know what? You should too:
Tell Mr. Barack Obama what you think of the place you call home. Who knows what could happen...
Jeez Highdeas.
Sorry for bitching, but its getting a little ridiculous now. On page 1 of the popular page right now, theres 6 unoriginal highdeas( all of which were not given credit where its due). 1 highdea about a girl asking why she cant find a guy who smokes weed, likes to eat food, play video games, and enjoys sex( um, isnt that EVERY single stoner guy in the world almost?). And ofcourse, a highdea bashing Justin Beiber for no reason and wanting to kill him or something.
What happened to you highdeas? You use to be cool. I love highdeas more than most people, and im coming less and less on this site because of this, I can only imagine what people who only liked highdeas are doing( my guess is not coming that much at all anymore).
alright im done my bitching. Upvote this, downvote this, do whatever the fuck you want. I dont care. I just needed to say this.
Help Wanted:
I am looking to hire one applicant. I need someone to walk 5 feet behind me at all times carrying a boombox, providing me with my very own theme music, as well as background music to my life. The job requirements are as fallows:
1. Be able to carry a boom box.
that is all.
I cant pay you much, and by that I mean I will pay you nothing. But you can smoke my weed with me, and my mom makes delicious pancakes that you can have some of.
What if
What if instead of having the symbol 1 represent what we knew as one, it was 2. And 1represented two. so 1 was 2 and 2 was 1. Something as simple as that would change the world as we know it.
Actually it wouldnt...because we wouldnt even know it right? you guys ever think about that? Like instead of calling a couch a couch, we named it, like, babaganoosh.
I mis-timed goodbye can make for such an awkward situation. You say bye, but than you and them end up walking the same way again.
Jeez I really hate it when that happens. Also I have a horrible habit of saying, awkwardd" in awkward situations...which just makes things even more awkward. "
I wonder how many highdeas
I've read, absolutely loved, than forgot to upvote. I'm guessing, like a million.
Sorry wonderful highdea, but when I get high I sometimes even forget to put on pants, let alone remember to upvote. Know that in my heart, I upvoted you.
I think that if you downvote someone
You should leave them a comment telling them why. Don't just be a buzzkillington and leave them wondering Wtf they said wrong
Do you ever
do you ever have a conversation inside your head while your talking to someone? If you do, isnt it REALLY awkward when you accidentally laugh out loud as a result of the convo inside your head?
Ya, that just happened to me. Sorry customer lady whose telling me about her medical problems. I guess I owe you a bouquet of Oopsie dasies.
Paper airplane
I want to throw a paper airplane off the tallest building in the world(the burj hotel in Dubai). How far do you think it would go? do you think someone has ever done it? Someone has HAD to have done it. WHY HASNT ANYONE DONE IT?!?
Apparently its funny to put a snake in someone’s toilet
FUCKING ROOMATE. I almost pooped in my pants when all I wanted to do was poop in my toilet.
It sickens me to think that this convo happens in prison’s everywhere
prisoner 1: so what did you do to be in here?
prisoner 2: I robbed a gas station man. I shot the clerk and ran away but they caught me. What about you?
prisoner 1: I had an ounce of bud on me and got pulled over because I was going 6 miles over the speed limit.
I just saw something so beautiful it made me cry
I just saw the movie trailer for a movie coming out this year called Iron sky. You know what its about? NAZI'S IN SPACE. the story line is that nazi's went and colonized on the moon in 1945 and they return to earth in 2018 to fight.
This might be the most EPIC movie of all time. Nazi's in space. Case closed.
And thus ends the most addicting day of Highdeas ever
Ive commented on like 30 highdeas, upvoted probably a couple hundred, and posted 5 highdeas today.
I think I need to take a break. Until next time(meaning tommorow) fellow highdear's.
Do you guys ever
post a comment on some highdea sober thats kind of mean, go smoke, come back and read your own comment than feel really bad and sad that you posted it? I do, all the time.
Im so very sorry everybody :'(
toy ships
I was randomly looking through my attic and found my box of old toys including all my toy ships. So I did what any person would really high, got into my bath and had an epic sea battle.
Fuck growing up.