Author: guenther90

How many…

bears could bear grylls grill if bear grylls could grill bears? phew, that took a minute.

dear members of highdeas

the DEA does not run this website, build a bong is not real yet, and apparently all stoner girls are single and DTS&F now quit repeating highdeas, do a little research before you post! thanks!


It's like toilet paper, when you have it, you don't even think about it, it's just there.. but when you don't have it, it's the shittiest thing ever.

Hannah Bongtana

Hahahahha just saw that video of Miley Cyrus hitting a bong.. I bet her it broke her dad's Achey Breaky Heart.

Perfect Stoner Community Name and Location

If we all joined together, and by all I mean like, 2000 people, and just moved into Yellowstone Park.. We could overtake it and rename it 'Yeahweallstoned Park' and be a testament to the rest of the world of how peaceful and creative stoners are

This is really depressing on a personal level..

I've made 243 highdeas, this one being 244. 49 are published. Roughly a 25% success rate. I did the math with how many girls I've 'talked' to compared to how many I've, well.. but anyway, come to find out, I'm 12% better at making highdeas than I am at getting ass. I'll smoke to that... so I can forget how pathetic I am.


Our solar system is part of a different galaxy, not the Milky Way, yes, a different galaxy that is in the process of getting eaten by the Milky Way. I feel like I just found out I was adopted, and my adoptive parents ate my biological ones.

ClusterFuck of Highdeas

What if everything you got tattooed would get recognized by your body and evolve out of you.. like, get eyes tatted on the back of your head then your body evolves new eyes.. it'd be sweet. Whenever the wind is blowing, you're feeling tiny little molecules and shit smash into your face, and that's the best they can do. Whenever you're in the middle of smoking, and for whatever reason, you move places, it feels like a fucking 2 hour journey. Same with waiting for your hit in rotation, even though in reality it's only like 43 seconds. I hate looking down and realizing my fingernails are dirty. I skateboard a lot and work construction, so it tends to happen from time to time and I always feel so gross. And homeless or something. I kind of want to build a log cabin somewhere and fucking chill in the woods with a stoner-lady for the rest of my life. I know the chances are slim, but what if we were the only intelligent life out there? That'd make a different argument now wouldn't it? I still believe in aliens though. Do you ever just realize that you're a living organism on a big ball of rock in a vast space with trillions of other rocks and feel like you're the bacteria on a speck of dust in the middle of a desert on an enormously large planet or some shit?