I was talking to my friend

I was talking to my friend whose a developer at a big company(lets say it rhymes with ficrosoft) and he was telling me about stuff they were developing. He told me that they already have the next two gaming systems developed(it rhymes with sexbox). I asked him why they dont tell anyone, and he said its because there current product is still selling and they want it to keep selling.

So that got me thinking. What other products already have some crazy new stuff developed that they wont release for a while? Like is there a new type of computer? Is there a new way to watch dvd’s or movies? New phones that do crazy new stuff?

And then I really got thinking… are there cures to common and not so common health issues? But we arent given these cures, because the medicine’s that temporarily cure or treat the desease are selling and making these corporations money. I mean, if they cured cancer, its gone and your healthy. BUT, treating cancer is an ongoing thing, and keeps making them money.

My friend told me to not tell anyone about this, because of company secrecy issues, but I figured doing the exact opposite and posting it on the internet wouldnt hurt.

oh and friendly stoner reminder: Cheech and chong are going to be on The Simpsons tonight. Should be hilarious!

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