Author: zombiecupcake

Cool stoners vs. sketch stoners

There are cool stoners , and then there are sketch stoners. The cool stoners are the ones who always share, give visitors greens, and don't pressure people who don't want to smoke. But sketch stoners are the opposite. They tend to hog the greens, don't share their stuff or just always mooch, hit and run, or pressure others way too much. When I was a noob I was really lucky to have my first time be with good friends who are the most laid-back, chill stoners out there. Everyone should have their first time be with people like them, so that they can learn to spread the love in a good way and not a shady way.

Dank Christmas

It would be cool to be the size of an insect and then decorate a giant nug to look like a Christmas tree.

Videogames and weed

You know you've been playing too much Left 4 Dead when you start to pack another bowl and immediately think Reloading!" in Bill's voice."

I fell asleep while completely baked…

and had a dream that I was in a forest of cannabis plants. And I frolicked and danced and ripped a huge bong with magical marijuana fairies. Then I woke up and realized I left my stash box open. Suuuuper dank smell.

Only weed…

Weed is the only thing I know of where the smellier it is, the better. It's the only thing I know of where if you inhale it and cough up a lung, it means it's good shit. It's the only thing I know of that can make a really bad situation funny as hell, and a good situation even better. I love you maryjane <3

Geeky girls

I remember the days when being a geek was uncool. The days when glasses were for necessity, not fashion. The days when liking cartoons past the age of 13 was considered lame. When saying a word more than 5 letters long made others shake their head and call you a dork. Now people embrace being a geek. Now people wear non prescription glasses to fit in. Now there are cartoons made just for adults. Now everyone spends hours scouring wikipedia for longer words to impress others with. Being a geek has gone from the fringe to the mainstream. This bowl's for all my fellow geeky girls who got teased as children for being who they really are. Now we're on top :)

Above the influence commercials

You the above the influence commercial with the teenaged boy and girl wandering aimlessly around town, looking through record stores and thrift stores, and then finally laying on a park merry-go-round staring up at the clouds? I think they got it wrong because that's all the stuff you do WHEN you're high...


I wonder how scary it is to be an insect crawling through the grass. I mean, a lawn to a bug is like the equivalent of a hundred mile forest for a human. Do bugs get lost crawling around in there? And if so do they panic or do they just not give a shit?