Author: yoinkie

Everyone has that one pair of sweatpants

that you basically live in. There perfect for lounging around the house, going on walks/hikes/jogs, going to class, and well basically everything. You wear them for a week straight, wash them, than wear them for another week straight. So here's to you gray nike sweatpants on mine. Im sorry for all the cigarette ash, burn marks, and food ive spilt on you over the years. I love you.

new highdea/invention

I'm going to create a way that you can store music inside your head and play it whenever you like. The way this will happen is that neurotransmitors will attach to your braincells as well as your eardrums. This invention is in the early stages of being invented, but don't worry, I have a to do list: 1) find out what neurotransmitors are 2) ask a scientist if this could work or would it kill you And 3) buy some more of this weed because I legitimately believe this is the greatest idea ever right meow.

guys, i think theres a ghost in my parents house, and he’s a douche

Every single time I'm up in my room late at night about to smoke, I hear him start walking around downstairs. This leads me to panic and throw my weed in the first drawer I see. Than when I go check downstairs to see who's awake... no one. Seriously Mr. Ghost, take your leisurely strolls around the house another time than smoking time.

haha, I made a funny

Conversation with my friend: Friend: I really hope lakers trade for carmelo Anthony! Me: Nah man kobe and melo are both ball hogs Friend: ya your right. The only way they would both be happy is if the nba allowed teams to play with 2 balls at once. Me: actually David stern might make that possible. I heard he loves watching guys play with 2 balls

Lighter Rotation problems

When im smoking with one other person, and we each have our own lighter that we use to light the bowl, I find that after every hit I take, I pass my lighter to my friend.. Than he says he has his own. Than after he takes a hit, he passes me his lighter. Than I show him I have my own. This continues until the bowl is cashed. The funniest part is later in the day when you reach in your pocket for you lighter, and discover you have 2(your original lighter and your friends).

I, Yoinkie, Ripped off a cop today

I work at a UPS store(shipping store) and a cop on duty came in today to ship a broken tazer. The cost for shipping came out to $12.42, but I charged him $21.56. I dont care if its only 9 bucks, it still made me feel awesome. Yoinkie: $9 Police department: $20,000+

holy shit

I just remembered that last week I went to taco bell drive thru, ordered a butt ton of food, paid the window lady, than drove away without the food. Most people would remember right away, but nooo not me, takes me a bloody week to remember.

Hearing a great song for the first time

what an awesome feeling. It takes your body and soul on a journey And when you hear a song thats AMAZING for the first time, you get those same butterflies you get when you fall in love with a girl. Then we all listen to it on repeat for hours :)

having good luck is great

You enjoy the moment, have fun with it, than move on. But bad luck is really what defines you as a human. It boils inside of you when you fail. Having bad luck motivates you and makes you try to achieve success much harder. The way you react to bad luck also defines what type of person you are.

Stupid Facebook

I know we all get a little excited when we get notifications, But I hate it when I click 'like' on some random status, than have dozens of notifications from it that I dont care about whatsoever

Do you guys do this too?

whenever im listening to music and doing an activity alone(like doing the dishes or vacuuming for example), I find myself creating dance moves and interpreting them into the activity.

Your life expectancy

The human life expectancy in the 1200's was 25 years. 1400's was 30. 1700's it was 35. At the start of the 1900's it was about 45. Right now our life expectancy is about 70 years. Our life expectancy in about 50 years from now is expected to be above 100. and 100 years from now? Most likely it will be around 150 years of age. Recently scientists have succeeded at reversing aging in a study with mice. What does this all mean? It means take off your shoes, grab a beer and a J and relax...Your going to be here for a while, might as well enjoy it.

Did you know

That humans have been smoking weed for about 6000 years? And it can be traced to almost every culture that has ever existed since than? And at no point in human history(until now) has it been illegal? So the question I ask you is... WHAT GIVES THEM THE FUCKING RIGHT TO BAN IT NOW?? Sorry for yelling, this just pisses me off.