More reasons why bud’s wiser””
It's cool to be so high you just had a telepathic conversation with your dog and ate a whole bucket of ice cream while contemplating the creation of the universe...
It's NOT cool to be so drunk you called your'e girlfriend a dumb fucking cunt face and threw up all over your best friends car and punched the fuck out some poor kid who unwittingly tried to tell you you might be too fucked up to drive.
Ah fuck it…
I hate it when I have this awesome fucking highdea and I remember it and everything and I go to write it down and I'm so excited to share it with the world and I cant believe it came from my own brain and then I and reread it... and realize no one is going to have a clue what the fuck I'm talking about. I wish I could let you all inside my head it sounded way better in there..
Thank you Albertson’s guy…
For making my 2 lbs of jelly beans, xing tea, rotisserie chicken, string cheese and Reese's magically cost $4.12. I love you Albertson's guy. You are the shit.
A very happy stoner
When you start talking to inanimate objects..
I just dried my hands on a towel in the bathroom and was like thanks" and walked out. wtf.."
Do they know??
Have you ever been really fucking high around someone who's not really fucking high and it seems like theyre doing and saying shit just to trip you the fuck out but then your'e like 'well that cant be' because how could they know? But then again you don't know what the fuck is coming out of their mouth or yours for that matter or if they're even words and then everythings quiet and you start to wonder if it ever happened at all and all you can do is mutter ...I'm so fucking high." Yep. Pretty sure they know. "
Government funded scholarships for everyfuckinone
Okay so this is how it would work. Basically starting freshman year in high school you get paid to go to school everyday, but you don't actually see the money until you graduate and then you can use it for college tuition, but nothing else. This would give kids incentive to stay in school and boost attendance as well as overall graduating students. And college attendance. Everyone would get a fair chance. I'm only dreaming I know.. but still.