Seven Things…
You Didn't Know About Medical Marijuana.
(Mainly for you newbz;)
1) Its already legal in 15 states.
2) Makes a HUGE ass profit. We're talking millions and billions.
3) Canabis = Therapeutic Power
4) Nearly 50% of the nation's physicians support marijuana.
5) Helps with various cancers.
6) Most commonly used for severe pain.
7) A 'pot pill' EXISTS. (Marinol)
Thank you StumbleUpon,
Thank you Organized Wisdom, and
Thank you stoners.
Cant we all just get a bong?
Whats funnier than a dog eating peanut butter?
A dog that is high as fuck eating peanut butter.
Ohmygod, I have cramps from laughing so hard.
Cursive: Government Conspiracy
I bet the Government quit enforcing cursive in schools, so that after quite a few generations, no one will be able to read cursive, therefore not being able to read the Constitution THEREFORE not being able to know our rights 100%.
That way the Government can have more control.
What if dogs - or any animal that we cant talk to directly - had the answer to life.