Author: hayley

seasoned stoner

a seasoned stoner is rare these days. a cat who know what they're doing and what to bring to the table. people who understand its a lifestyle not a kiddy hobby.what i mean to say is, I grew up with a stoner etiquette instilled into me by the ones who come before me. these kids nowadays, where are there manners? No you cant hop in on every bowl i pack without ever throwing down a single nug ever. no you cant get greens if its not your weed or your damn birthday. no you should not ever criticize a friends new piece when you've never even owned one. holy balls, hit this shit and SHUT UP.

As a stoner,

theres nothing more gratifying then looking down at my midterm and seeing a nice fat B+ and then looking to the left at square bear's paper, a nice C+. Take that and smoke it straight edge motherfucker.