Honey Smacks
Why is it that every time I eat honey smacks, the next time I pee it smells like Honey Smacks? What's going on here? Should I see a Doctor? I wonder if Kellogg's knows this...
We’ve bastardized highDEAS
It was created as a place to post ideas you have when your high that are funny or ingenious.
Its turned into a place where people who enjoy smoking weed write things anonymously, seeking approval from their pot smoking peers. I love this site, but they gotta have a way to sort genuine highDEAS from random posts about weed related shit.
420 upvotes isn’t cool…
420,000 upvotes is cool
We have the results of your drug test…
I'm sorry to say, despite your impressive resume and flawlessly executed interview, we're looking for someone who's THC level doesn't exceed their red blood cell count
Thats my bong that sometimes gets mistaken for a penis