Boner Patrol
So a few months ago I'm sitting in class on Halloween costume day and a hot girl walks in. Without missing a beat my friend who was a cop for the day stands up and yells BONER PATROL sir you are under arrest" He proceeded to cuff me and escort me out of class."
Akward UPS Moment
So I'm really high and the doorbell rings. I open my front door to a UPS guy only to realize i had no pants on, a pimp cane, and a bowl of cereal.
Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets
Because who doesn't feel badass when theyre eating a T-Rex.
Handicapped Table
My friend and I are sitting in Mcdonalds and there is a table with a handicapped symbol. My friend looks under the table and then looks up confused. He asks Why is this table handicapped? It has all its legs""
Bacon Weed
I just thought how awesome it would be if someone spliced bacon plant genes with a strain of weed. Then i realized... bacons not a plant.
Crazy Munchies
A few months ago I came home and in 5 minutes had started making waffles, tortellini, and chicken nuggets. While it was cooking I was devouring a box of oreos at world record speed. At that time I heard the unmistakable sound of a chip bag, I turn around and BAM!! my dad has a giant bag of cheese doodles. The normal response would have been to calmly ask for some. My response, hands on my head and screaming HOLY CRAP CHEESSSSEEE DOOOODDDLEES" never have i gotten such a weird look from a parent."
Muscle Milk
Contains no milk" anyone wanna explain this one to me?"
Smoking Out
Upvote if youre ready to smoke your way out of 2010!!!!
Sometimes its baffling
So im sitting watching cops and this guy gets busted for a gram and the cops start getting really pissed and threatening the guy.
Me: He shouldnt even be pulled over, theres no way that little should be illegal
My Dad: It should be its bad!
Me: Why is it bad?
My Dad: *No Answer*