Author: chillman25

we had a substitute teacher today

who had a handicap. we were given some meaningless worksheet to keep us busy, and practically nobody was taking the assignment seriously. Except for me and my buddy Brandon, AKA the only high people in the class (we smoked 2 blunts immediately before the class), everyone was being blatantly disrespectful and disobedient. The temp pulled us to the side after class and told us that he appreciates us being mature and not running around the room or making fun of him, and that he was going to tell our teacher that we were the only ones who were respectful. so fuck people who say weed makes you a bad person.


maybe my eyes are red because my contacts are dried out. maybe I smell because I just got done mowing my lawn. maybe im hungry because I haven't gotten the chance to eat all day. maybe im tired because I worked hard today. but you assume that its because im high. it probably doesn't help that im high.