Author: BleedingBlue91

Weed Saved My Life

A couple days ago I got into an accident, but I thought everything was fine and I just continued on with my day, which included smoking a couple of bowls. Then later that day I started coughing up blood so I went to the hospital, while I was still high. It turns out I had some internal bleeding, but I caught it before it got too serious. Later, I was discussing what happened with my doctors and the fact that I was high came up. They then told me that it was a good thing I was high because if I wasn't then I could have gone into shock and died. Im lucky to be alive and its all thanks to my special friend Mary Jane, thank you for always having my back. I will smoke you forever.

Fallen Soldier

I just accidentally dropped a very small piece of weed on the ground while I was packing a bowl and I cant find it. Even though it was small it will be missed. This next bowl is for all the missing weed out there, I wish I could rescue and smoke you all


If I won the lottery, then I would throw a huge party for everyone here on highDEAS and I would smoke all of you out. Upvote if you would come to that party!

Epic Shower

Tye Dye Shower Curtains + Black lights + MGMT + Being blazed out of your mind = One fun ass time