guide for all the new stoners.
To all new stoners here is a guide for you:
Basics rules:
1. Do not bring anything to school if you need to bring something over to your friends house meet him at church wed and give it to him/her there and have them bring it back to their house
2. You can never ever ever be too precautious, if you are in doubt fix whatever you need until your comfortable
3. Make sure you don’t hangout with snitches or atleast not tell them about weeed or anything like that. I have made that mistake too many times.
4. Pre-fixing munchies Is usually easier than making them while high.
5. Reeses are usually amazing.
6. Music is a must sometimes.
7. Don’t transport on your person always keep in your cars trunk.
8. Keep visine with you
9. Always have a lighter when not at school.
Basic supplies:
Weed- you get the weed from your dealer [retty simple.
Lighter- you can buy these at gas stations sometimes if not you might have one in your kitchen and if you don’t have either of those they are pretty easy to lift from the dollar store. (I don’t like the idea of stealing but if you have too you have too.)
Pipe- you can get one at a headshop or gas station but if you aren’t over 18 you cant later I will instruct you how to make one from a vvery simple disposable one to a long lasting wooden one.
Bong- same thing as pipe pretty much except the only obngs I know how to make are disposable
Papers and blunt wraps- get ehm at gas stations.
How to make pipes-
Can pipe-take an aluminum can and open it. Empty out all liquid take the tab off. Turn the can to where the hole from opening it is facing you. Now keep the hole facing you but it also should be at the bottom. Put a dent in the middle of the side of the can that is the opposite side of the hole. Get a safety pin or tac or anything that makes a small hole and poke several holes in the dent. Then you put weed over the hold and inhale through the hole where the drink would come out and you got yourself a pipe.
Wooden pipe- get a piece of wood about 7 inches around and 6 inches long. Widdle the wood to where it has a stem ad a place to where you can hollow out a bowl take a drill or something and hollow out a bowl then get a drill and drill to the bowl.
How to smoke in your bathroom-
Grab all your stuff and wrap it up in a towel (make sure you have a candle and visine
Go into the bathroom and turn on the shower and the vent and open a window if you have one.
Get about 10 sheets of toilette paper and fold them ontop of eachother then fold in half then fold in half again spray one side with airfreshener
Pack your pipe and light the candle
Light the lighter off the candle just make it to where gas comes out and put the end over the flame.
Light your bowl and take a hit
Hold your hit for atleast 25 seconds then let it out through the folded toilette paper
Repeat and then get in the shower and wash off and do whatever else you want to do
Get out of the shower pack everything back up in your towel brush your teeth visine your eyes and go along with your stoned selfs business.
help me get this to popular so all the newbies can read it and lear