This man smoked weed in college and he is now a doctor.
This man smoked weed in college and he is now a lawyer.
This man smoked weed in college and he now owns a Fortune 500 company.
This man never went to college, smoked weed, opened his mind to the endless possibilities, came up with a brilliant invention and now sits at home watching the money roll in.
This man never went to college, smoked weed, and didnt do anything productive at all. He now lives in a box.
The point is, only you can make yourself. Dont blame the green because you’re not motivated to make something of yourself. Smoke the green, get your shit done, and life will be good.
(end commercial)
*paid for by the people that love this sweet smelling plant and are rational/realistic/respectful of the reefer*
*additional funding provided by people that aren’t complete fucktards*