My fucked up story: Weed was my gateway out

This might get long, but I cant leave many details out of my fucked up story. So some of you may know that I was put in a outpatient center for 372 days( my first highdea ever told this: I was piss tested twice a month, and weed stays in your system for 28 days, So I couldnt smoke at all.

During this time I started drinking a lot more than I had ever before. Not only that, but I started doing Blow, and soon that turned into an almost weekly thing(blow only lasts in your system for 4 days). I can say I started this lifestyle for a few reasons…mainly because my life was going tough and it was my escape from reality.

Than my 372 day ordeal was up and I could smoke weed again. In the first month after I did blow maybe twice…and I havent done it since. I dont even drink as much as I use to. This is because weed provides me with the escape I need but I never chase the high. Blow makes you chase the high hence leading you to do more blow. Same with drinking. Not weed. Weed chills me out and relaxes me. When im high, I dont need to do any other substances, because im already in a state that I enjoy more than anything.

So I would like just ONE government official whose against marijuana becoming legal to tell me how weed is a gateway drug to other drugs? Weed was my gateway to getting out drugs which would have spiraled my life completely out of control. I can say without a doubt, that weed saved my life.

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