My friend Rocky

I met this dude in summer school 9th grade. Id never smoked weed before, and always thought about it like a drug because thats what society raised me to believe. Me and Rocky went out at lunch and he smoked me up for the first time. Needless to say, I loved it. That summer we smoked every single day, hed always be bringing new pipes and bowls and oil joints, hash joints you name it. Years went on, and even though we went to different schools, we were pretty close to best friends. A year ago I moved from Vancouver(where I grew up and met Rocky) to Seattle. I went back a few times, but you know how life is, things always come up and I went up less and less.

Rocky passed away two nights ago. He was pumping gas late saturday night when guys mistook him for someone else and shot him in cold blood.

Id like you all to take a second. Look at the people in your lives who you may be taking for granted. realize how special they really are and dont ever forget that. Life is just too damn short to not sieze each and everyday. RIP Rocky

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