Hotboxing in front of a cop

So one stoned assed California night in like December or something, soon after I first started smoking, three buddies and I had smoked some joints and went to see a movie.

We weren’t satisfied with the level of THC in our systems, as we pulled into the direct center of the parking lot. We then cheekily decided to hotbox my car, reason being: We were running late, damn it, we couldn’t re-park just because the chick was watching us from behind the counter…

Mid joint, we realized that not 30 feet behind us was a (kind of fat) officer of the law standing in front of the theater, but to the side, which is why we didn’t see him at first. We decided, you know what? fuck it. Blue dream is a dank, daank strain, and we were starting to become quite blazed at this point. Smiles took over our faces, aided by the high THC content of the weed, and we almost couldn’t keep our shit in, because the smoke was very thick already and we were only half through.

We finished the last half of the fatty, nodded in agreement, and as the car doors opened, four cheech-and-chong style plumes of smoke poured out of the car. This made it extremely hard to not break down into fits of laughter, it was ridiculous to say the least how much it looked like the strange clouds from that movie, and did not mind that we were late. Bear in mind the cop and girl behind the counter were looking right at us the whole time. They watched us casually saunter across the parking lot, like nothing happened, but I’m not gonna lie, I was scared as shit. We got closer, closer, closest, until the moment of fucked or fun…

I can’t say how, or why but in the end we, in a casual, innocent manner, walked right passed the cop, who just looked away. I can’t say why, but he did. Then, the most present minded among us ordered the tickets, while my other buddies and I mumbled unintelligible words, and looked innocent. Then, against all odds, we finally made it into the lobby.

By then my buddy Chad and I couldn’t hold it in any longer. We started actually laughing, I imagined he had the same image in his head, the smoke, the casual saunter, as we ran towards the theater while our buddies Cameron and Eran ordered snacks. (I haven’t the slightest idea how the fuck they managed to do that, but they did.) The laughter progressively grew into gut wrenching laughter, by the time we got into our seats.We repeated what had happened between inhales of air, I recall burping up a cloud of smoke we laughed so much… I haven’t laughed that hard since. It was just so fucking funny to witness from a first person view after smoking so very much high grade cannabis shortly after having first tried this amazing plant. My sides ached like hell… Once halfway through the movie, since the theater was empty besides us, what else? we smoked a bowl. the movie sucked, but it was one of the most memorable experiences of my entire life. I love weed.

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