What if each of us had a completely different reality of whats going on?
It could be the smallest of differneces like my red is ur blue but we both call it red because thats what red is in our own reality.
But what if our realitys are completely different?
Like if what i saw was you typing on a computer is actually u fucking slaying a dragon but all my reality sees is you sitting there but in ur reality thats how u slay a dragon.
What if there was no one?
Like if u were the only person ever and everything else is a projection of what ur mind thinks up and im the only actually real person and everyone/everything else is a figment of my imagination?
What if u reading this right now your actually in a coma and ur just completely imagining this? Or what if time goes by REALLY slowly in reality and were actually sleeping as a baby right now and this is our dream…