Stoner Hide Away
My camper is underneath a shed next to my house
It has internet, plasma tv, climate control, computer, ps3, and I have unlimited privacy
You best beleive I am in this bitch in my pj's and a big bag of wead
Fight the Power
Yesterday morning my mom found my first ever pipe in our living room and threw it.
She gave me a giant dramatic speech about how she never thought she had to worry about me doing that and that I was a good kid.
She punished me and I am on lock down punishment. As we speak I am in my bathroom with a bong and a forty sack.
Upvote if you are a survivalist stoner and you can overcome and adversity to get to your bud.
Mind blown button
There should be a mind blown button on the highdeas page. It would be worth more than a upvote and be very prestigious to get. There can also be a sobering button. This would come in handy for when a highdea is so bad that it sobers you up. It will be dreaded and the will condemn your highdea.