Author: TheSecondDuck


you are one person, out of 7 billion people on one planet, out of 8 planets in one star system, out of 100,000,000,000 star systems in one galaxy, out of 100,000,000,000 galaxies... you are enormously insignificant, yet you are still being told you cannot use a plant

oh no!

just realized... if someone ever found out one of my passwords, they have found out ALL of my passwords oh no

its so refreshing

after being on Youtube and Facebook or what have you, there is so much negativity. Then I come to Highdeas. com... and there is so much intellect and positivity. mountain dew is also refreshing

everytime i get too high

i try to think myself sober, and when i think i finally got it... i realize i have been blankly staring off with my mouth open for the last 5 minutes. never works