I was staying in a hotel with my family….
and I decided to sneak out and smoke a few bowls behind the hotel before bed. I was sitting happily on the ground, blazing away, looking at the beautiful moon, when i hear a lighter spark followed by some heavy coughing and the unmistakable smell of some fine ganja. So, as I considered aproaching my new friend, he walks around the corner and I come face to face with my father. We have never been closer :)
Thankful for the little things in life….
I'm so glad I don't have to remember to breathe. That could get to be a hassle.
How many licks does it take…
to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? Ill tell you how many. 2,884. The world will never know my ass.
Stoner girls are just stoner guys….without a dick
I have no problems with all the posts about stoner girls, but I'm sitting here thinking....why is a girl smoking some dank any different from a guy? The only difference here is that one of them has a penis. Lets end the discrimination here shall we?
Masterbating while high is amazing….
if you cant hook up with someone else, masterbating while high is probably just as good as getting laid sober. every time i smoke, i try to save a little time so i can fit that in. it feels like 20X better than normal!! also, this is off subject, but giving a bj high is a lot harder. one word....cottonmouth.
My Roommate caught me….
I was toking up in my dorm naked and all of a sudden my roomie walks in (she was supposed to be gone for the night). im incredibly baked so after ten seconds of total silence where we just stare at each other, i say wanna hit this shit". she runs out. my bad roomie. my bad."