Author: mr.hanksdiggity

Helpful tip!

For those of you who like to keep your weed fresh in a jar, simply take out the little oxygen absorber pack in your beef jerky and put it in your jar, give it time to adjust to the dank. you'll notice a difference.

Heres a question

If everyone knows, even the religious people, know that we are 98% DNA-tied to monkeys, why the hell wouldn't you believe in Evolution?

I don’t want to be a dick

or anything but lets cut it with the serious stories that are a complete buzzkill when reading. I come on here to look at highdeas, not read the sad stories of little kids who are dying.

There’s love everywhere

Doesn't it seem weird that EVERYTIME you're out of bud, you somehow someway get smoked out? Ways that wouldn't possibly happen if you actually had bud. Somehow, Karma works wonders.