Author: I_Live420

Death, a new begining?

the day you die, you wake up in a hospital bed and find out you have been in a coma for 20 years and you're actually on a different planet and earth doesn't even exist

The grounded Room

In the future my kids are gonna have some awesome technology so when I ground them I'm going to send them to the 90's room and its filled with all the stuff I grew up with. Have fun playing with the Sega and bubble color TV until you learn your leasson

Bud the Fly

25 days ago a fly came into my apartment and I decided to see if getting the fly high everyday would increase its life span. The avg fly lives 21 boring days and the avg high fly lives 25 incredible days. RIP Bud, This blunt is for you nigga

Santa Clause

When I'm older and have kids, I'm gonna tell them Santa Clause wants joints and cookies. And an Ice cold Arizona.