Author: heartbeatmusic

What’s the craziest thing you’ve smoked out of?

Comment what your favorite or most unique thing you've smoked out of. Could be a weird shaped bong, maybe a household thing you transformed to be smokeable. Mine is a plastic toy pokeball. I made it into a bowl, I call it pokebowl. I took off the little cirlce thing in the middle that you press to open it, that's where you pack it, then I burnt a hole through it with a really hot drill.

A Philosophical Thought

I know that highdeas like this don't usually get published but here goes. The brain needs stimulation for it to comprehend time is passing, so say your brain has like almost no stimulation, that would mean you would see everything in almost slow motion. Well my highdea is what if every single persons brain has a different stimulation so everybody lives life at a different pace, like 5minutes to you happens in 25 seconds to someone else. Sorry if it's too wordy I just wanted to share that.

Burning your hair

I might be the only one but I hate it when my hair is a little to close the the bowl and when I go to light the weed my hair starts to burn a little. Not a full on hair fire but like my hair shrivels and sizzles.


I don't blame girls when they have thier period, if my dick was bleeding for a week I'd be naggy and bitchy too.