Author: HazeWindu

car smoke

what if you could like put weed in your hood somewhere and when you start the car it heats the bud and smoke or vapor comes out of your AC unit instantly hotboxing your car.

can i borrow a pencil?

i hate when i ask to borrow a pencil and everyone is like no i dont have one. then they're like i have a pen? god dammit give me the pen the first time i ask i just need to write shit down!

Stoner Denial

i will never accept the fact that the bowl is beat and the blunt's dead. never here's to everyone that just has to figure it out for themselves

depressing .

this past weekend i had an eighth, and whenever i smoked, anyone else who wanted to could gladly join in for free. monday comes, weed is gone, and this kid im chilin w/ got 2 g's for free and he is making me pay. damn... i mean, i get it if you bought the weed and your just like 'yo man it'd be cool if you could throw me a couple bucks', but in other situations, people shouldnt be so lame. its ganja everybody, share