If you can call me a pothead
for smoking every weekend, I get to call you an alcoholic for drinking every weekend.
Stoner Guys
I keep reading highdeas going out to stoner girls...well here's one for the guys. Stoner guys, thank you for being so chill, stress-free, nice, and just all around fun to hang out with. I always feel taken care of and I never have to worry that one of you will take advantage of me when I'm intoxicated. Oh and thanks for always smoking me out, here's to toking with stoner guys! :)
Imagination and drugs
As we get older, we steadily loose the infinite imagination we once all possessed as children. Sometimes I think the reason I do drugs is because I miss my imagination, but am incapable of seeing with my mind as I did before. Smoking weed, or any drug really, feels like a flashback from when I could imagine anything as a little kid. It's very comforting in that respect.