Author: Dankrupt

Why do coins have two sides?

By that I mean two different designs. Wouldn't it be easier to just have one design on both sides, one side depressed the other side raised? They would stack nicely.

Ever notice this?

I find that it's pretty common after a night of partying to find half finished drinks all over the place, but you will never find a half finished bowl.

People counter

How about a little number somewhere on highdeas that tells you how many stoners are logged in? That would be cool.

Brain transplants

How ridiculous would that be? You could totally be in another persons body. Maybe they could even eventually put your brain in an animal.

Voice Impressions

If I was good voice impressions, I'd sit in a bathroom stall and wait for somebody else to come in. Then I would ask for toilet paper because my stall was out, but I would do it in the voice of somebody with a realy distinct voice like John Madden.

womb raider

If Angelina Jolie started performing abortions, I'd call her the Womb Radier.

Your children

When I think about having kids, my mind is blown. They'll be little people, and I will have control over the first years of their life. Everything I do will effect them. I almost think of it as sculpting a work of art that is constantly trying out its own thing. How will I know when to correct it, and when to let it find its way? I don't know. I just don't know.

A scenario where you have different parents

Get two sets of identical twins to pair up with each other. Now, since both pairs of parents share the same DNA, they could both have a child that was identical to the other pairs child. Identicle twins with different parents.