don’t submit a highDEA
at 4:20 a.m. It'll be lost forever.
popcorn chicken
why can i not put a bag in my microwave and have instant popcorn chicken? Get on it Orville!
is masturbation a sin?
i've heard that when you die you have to watch all the sins you committed in life. mine's just gonna be a montage of me jerkin off. i wonder what the background music will be?
down vote
whenever i see a stupid status on facebook i always look for the down vote button
highDEAS could learn 1 thing from
make the read more" thing just expand the highdea and not take me to a different page. sometimes im too lazy and don't wanna go to a new page so instead i'll skip a long highdea that was prolly really good."
Who brings a Sharpie to a bathroom?
Seriously, who just walks around with a Sharpie and writes I Hate Jew-Fags all over a bathroom wall? No one cares that you Wuz Here""
I’m a Stoner, not a Pot head
Anyone else annoyed when someone calls you a pot head? makes me feel like a crack head like i'm tweakin out for some bud. Being a stoner is a lifestyle, i'm not a damn pot head.