Author: blink18241

How to get laid 2.

I can guess your weight. 1. Approach your target and announce you can guess her weight. 2. Intrigued, mortified, and paralyzed by her body-image issues, she'll want to know your guess. 3. Take what you think she really weighs and subtract 25 pounds. Now subtact another 5. Give her this number. 4. Have sex with her

How to get laid.

The author. 1. Hang around a public place until you find a viable target reading a book. 2. Approach her and ask her how she likes the book so far, and as she's answering, glance at the cover and memorize the authors name. 3. If she says she likes it, hold out your hand and introduce yourself as the author. 4. Have sex with her.

i have never

smoked weed before in my life. But I heard about this site today logged on and ended up reading like 16 pages of random shit people post and I love it. Really considering trying weed now (: